Tuesday, June 21, 2005


yaay! my cousin replied, i can stay w him when in HK.. his wife is overseas.. he says lots of space.. startin to get excited abt gng..

last day of work soon.. 30th june.. thinkin of locum.. but also don know.. only for a month.. perhaps on some morns.. in case i get bored.. and everyone is working cant go play w them either.. den earn pocket money too? or jus rest at home, finish my books i'm reading halfway..? think i could devise a decent timetable.. can go blade, prac guitar too. hmm.. need some more thot..

the other day.. decided to pray that at the right time, God would help him meet the right person.. and he would have a family of his own.. cos i know thats one of his best dreams.. and he really loves children.. i think he'd be a good father..

okie.. gtg for now..


Paperman said...

Where're the duckies? You should do locum lah. If not skills get rusty, mind gets cloudy from boredom. Aniwaz, work is good right? Half day type lah.

Wah, btw how does anyone know whether a person's gonna be a good father?

polaris said...

yaay! everybody gng hongkong! so happening.. ;)

Bernice-Liting said...

What's locum? if u want company, remember me! Maybe we can play guitar together, or go exercise together...

polaris said...

Locum means work part time as dentist... hee. yah will remember to look for u..