Monday, December 06, 2004


some of my processed thoughts after the mission trip(more thoughts to come)

God is really real.. what are we going to do..

what it means.

1) many you love have died and are going to go to hell. there's no more way out for them.

2) many you love are going to die, and will go to hell. because some will reject Jesus, and simply refuse to understand.

there is no happy ending for everyone.

its a hard truth that i must learn not to delude myself from anymore, that my days would be wise.

please help us Lord. i ask especially for those i love. and those You love too, out there.

if you are reading this and you dont know what Jesus is about. here's a few simple sentences to let you know.

1) there is only one God, and He created heaven and earth, man and woman.

2) man has sinned(sin= lying, stealing, all the bad things you/ve ever done, no matter how small)

3) man is separated from God because of his sin

4) hell exists, and if we have sinned before, when we die, because of sin, we will go there.

5) God does not want us to go to hell, He wants us to go to heaven to be with Him. Hell is not meant for us.

6) God sent Jesus, His Son, to earth. Jesus did many miracles on earth, He healed the sick, gave sight to the blind etc. But the greatest thing He did was die on the cross as payment for our sins. so that our sins are paid in full by Him. if we ask Him to forgive our sins, He can release forgiveness and we can be restored to God and be with God after we die. Jesus rose from the dead after 3 days, alive, to show us He has truimphed over death and we do not need to fear.

7) our Lord Jesus now becomes the bridge over sin that reconciles us to God. He is the only Way the truth and the Light, no one comes to the Father except through Him, through His forgiveness and reconciliation.

8) if your life ended now, would you be going to heaven or hell? would you ask Jesus to come into your life and be your Lord and Saviour? if so, jus say a simple prayer right now..

9) Dear Lord Jesus, i confess i am a sinner and have sinned. i believe you died on the cross for my sins and rose again after the 3rd day. i receive your forgiveness for my sins. come into my heart, be my Lord and Saviour. Thank You Lord. In Jesus Name , amen.

10) if you have just said this prayer, congratulations, you have been reconciled with God through faith. you are now a child of God. as a new born, you will need a family to care for you. do let someone, or myself, know of your decision to trust Jesus so that you may fully know the blessings, joy and power of God in your life. Praise God!

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