Tuesday, December 19, 2006


"It is so exciting to see people grow. when there is understanding, acceptance and patience, there will be growth. Because people, like plants, can only grow in conducive and fertile conditions.."

above written by Cherie on her blog (italics mine) hehe..

i liked it cos i know that is how i grew in Him. i had the blessing to meet a wonderful sister-in-Christ who gave me that.. Xiaonan.. i will always be thankful for her..

i made an interesting discovery recently..

there are people who are emotionally disabled.

there's physical disability and there's emotional disability.

i saw that she really did not understand.. woah.. that part was jus.. missing.

was it stolen fr her? or was she just created like that..

interesting. :p

God is very creative.. He really made all kinds of people and personalities.. but they all have their own beauty in their composition.. after all they were made by Him.

wonderfully made.

1 comment:

Cherie said...

it's amazing how we are all so different.. yet we are all the same.. =)